Client: Tower Homes
The project consisted of construction of a new distributor road approximately 500m in length comprising of a 7.3m wide carriageway, 3 roundabouts, 2m wide footpaths on both sides, 2.5m wide cycle‐track on one side, sloped embankments, safety barriers and signage and all other associates site works. The distributor road was built to NRA standards and it is to be incorporated into the local road network forming a section of the town bypass.
The works also incorporated new services such as surface water drainage, surface water attenuation, stream diversions, culverts, foul drainage, watermain, public lighting, ESB diversions etc. The road construction involved a 5m deep cut and filling exercise, some of which was in rock and embankment support to fill areas.
Included in the works were also tie-ins to existing national routes and upgrade works to existing infrastructure, liaising with local authorities with regards to licencing and traffic management.