Client: Makros Limited
The Company acted as the Main Contractor and PSCS on this project.
The project was to construct the Southgreen Link Road north of Kildare Town between Hill Road and Dunmurry Road. The scheme involved the construction of a carriageway with associated footpaths and cycle paths, the installation of traffic signals at a new junction, and the introduction of two new continental-style roundabouts at two other junctions on the proposed road. The scheme provides a new link road, traffic signals, cycle lanes and improved pedestrian infrastructure, including signalised junctions, pedestrian crossings and facilities for the mobility impaired.
Work also included the construction of all associated drainage, watermain, ESB diversions, public lighting, and other services.
An essential part of the works were tie-in works to existing road infrastructure and services, liaising with local authorities regarding licencing and traffic management.
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