Client: Comtern Ltd.
The Company acted as the main contractor and PSCS.
The contract consisted primarily of the construction of approximately 700m of road infrastructure, ranging in size from 10m wide carriageway to 13.5m wide carriageway incorporating widening of existing R122 Colonard Road and new carriageway tie-in with Clonard Road (AADT 15,000), one traffic controlled crossroads, one signalised pedestrian crossing and boundary treatments to adjoining landowners.
The carriageway was provided with kerbs, verges, footpaths, cycle paths, line markings, signage, guard rails, safety barriers, boundary treatment, etc., together with the full range of services and utilities, including foul and surface water drainage, water main, gas main, ESB ducts, public lighting.
The tie-in works required the development of a comprehensive Traffic Management Plan for all project stages and its implementation and operation on a daily basis. Different stages of traffic management measures included the implementation of one-way traffic signalled operation and complete road closure during the final stages of taring operations of Clonard Road.
The contract also included laying of a new 450dia watermain alongside Clonard Road into the existing grass verge and under the existing footpath.